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What is Resource Therapy?"

This powerful and transformative therapy dives deep into the often subconscious roots of an issue, promoting lasting change rather than merely offering temporary symptom management. Developed by Professor Gordon Emmerson as an evolution of Ego-State Therapy, Resource Therapy recognises that each of us is made up of various parts, with each part—or "resource" or "ego state"—representing a different aspect of our personality. Our parts can be healthy and helpful or distressed and less helpful, often due to past trauma or unresolved issues. The purpose of Resource Therapy is to identify, understand and heal distressed or conflicted parts to improve our overall mental health and well-being Resource Therapy allows you to connect directly with the parts of your psyche that are responsible for challenging thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This holistic approach is non-pathologising, focusing on understanding and harmonising these parts of yourself rather than rejecting or fighting against them. It’s also innovative in its ability to work with the transpersonal dimensions of the human psyche. Unlike traditional talk therapy, Resource Therapy incorporates experiential and somatic-based tools like the '2-chair process,' 'direct dialogue,' and the 'bridge-back technique' to engage with the parts of you most relevant to your therapy goals. These methods engage the body and emotions directly, allowing for deeper and more immediate therapeutic change.

What Happens During a Resource Therapy Session?

Re-parent and heal the un-healed inner child

Some unhealed parts of us can be likened to an 'inner child,' carrying the pain and fear from past experiences. When this inner child is triggered, it can leave us feeling anxious, not enough (or too much), or experiencing intense emotions, thoughts, or reactions that don’t quite make sense or fit the situation. These triggers can sometimes lead to reactions that are unhelpful, self-sabotaging, or out of sync with our values, causing difficulties for ourselves and those closest to us. Unfortunately, when an unhealed inner child part is triggered, the reactions can feel automatic, as if they’re happening outside our control. Healing through Resource Therapy involves giving your inner child what they needed but didn’t receive at the time. This re-parenting approach can be incredibly moving and empowering. Clients who have experienced Resource Therapy often describe a profound sense of relief, no longer feeling so anxious or inadequate, and no longer stuck in old, automatic, unhelpful patterns.

Enable inner harmony and higher potential

Sometimes, the parts of us we need to address in therapy aren't unhealed child parts but other aspects of the personality. Regardless of the part and the issue it is causing, Resource Therapy recognises that all parts of the personality have valid reasons and positive intentions, even if their methods are causing issues. Understanding these reasons and working with them in a targeted and compassionate way can help find solutions that reduce tension, change unwanted thinking patterns, reactions, and behaviours, and bring inner harmony and balance. Working with these parts can also identify and strengthen your inner resources, boosting your resilience, confidence, and coping skills. These processes can free you from blocks and barriers that have held you back in the past, allowing you to be your best self and enjoy your best life.

Creating a powerful alliance between you and your therapist

During Resource Therapy, your therapist works closely with you in a collaborative way to connect with and explore different parts of yourself. Clients often tell us they feel seen and heard in a nonjudgmental way they have never experienced before. This process can build a lovely rapport and trust between you and your therapist that ultimately supports the overall healing potential of the interventions.

What Can Resource Therapy Help With?

Some clients tell us they are amazed at how much difference one session of Resource Therapy can make for them. Resource Therapy can help with a wide range of psychological difficulties, including: ​- Anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias - Low self-worth or self-esteem. Including feelings of not being good enough or being too much. - Fear of rejection and abandonment - PTSD, C-PTSD - Unmanageable anger and rage or big feelings disproportionate to the situation - Addictions related to alcohol and other substances, shopping, gambling, sex, and relationships. - Rumination, indecision, procrastination, confusion, inner tension and turmoil - Insomnia - Not performing at your highest potential  - Grief and loss - Guilt and shame. As therapists we have gone through our own Resource Therapy processes as clients and have been amazed at how we found ourselves feeling and behaving very differently in previously problematic areas of our lives. We love the opportunity to now go on and guide others through this potentially profound process of change.

Combining Parts-work With EMDR Therapy

Parts-work therapies are commonly used in combination with EMDR Therapy to provide a powerful and effective approach to trauma therapy.  You can find out more about EMDR Therapy here. Or trauma therapy here.

Research and Other Information on Resource Therapy

Please feel welcome to take a look at the following list of resources, which includes textbooks, websites and articles containing some of the researching underpinning our approach. The compilation of this list is still in progress. Thank you for being patient with us as we complete this. Forgash, C., & Knipe, J. (2012). Integrating EMDR and ego state treatment for clients with trauma disorders. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 6(3), 120-128. Lobenstine, F., & Courtney, D. (2013). A case study: The integration of intensive EMDR and ego state therapy to treat comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 7(2), 65-80. Emmerson, G. (2003). Ego State Therapy with sexually traumatised clients. Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 31(2), 121-129

What is Resource Therapy
What happens during a Resource Therapy session & Healing the unhealed inner child
Enabling inner harmony and unleashing higher potential
Creating a powerful alliance
what can resource therapy help with
Sources RT
combining parts work with EMDR

" The bravest thing you can do is own your story and love yourself through it. Real healing requires acceptance and love of ourselves. And all  of ourselves, not just the parts we like."

~ Brene Brown


At The Heart of Therapy, we have advanced clinical training in Resource Therapy and other parts-work modalities.  It would be an honour to help you achieve the changes you are looking for using this compassionate and empowering approach to healing.  You are welcome to use our online booking system to choose a time that best suits you. We look forward to meeting you.

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