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"Sometimes healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn't you and becoming who you really are."

~ Rachel Naomi Remen

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety and panic attacks can feel utterly overwhelming, leaving you feeling trapped in a cycle of fear and physical distress. The intense heart racing, shortness of breath, and crippling worry can disrupt daily life, making even simple tasks feel insurmountable. In these moments of desperation, seeking help becomes a crucial step towards regaining control and finding peace. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health challenges in Australia, affecting 1 in 4 people. While everyone experiences anxiety from time to time as a natural response to feeling under pressure, it typically subsides once the stressful situation passes. However, anxiety becomes a concern when these feelings persist, lack a clear cause, or interfere with daily life and enjoyment. Anxiety manifests differently for each individual, but many people report experiencing the following: -Persistent worry or inability to stop feeling anxious. -A sense of dread or fear of the worst outcomes. -Constant tension, nervousness, or difficulty relaxing. -Challenges in calming down or controlling anxious thoughts. -A need for constant reassurance or fears that others are upset, angry, or will abandon them. -Rumination on past negative experiences or overthinking situations repeatedly. -Worrying about the anxiety itself, such as fearing when the next panic attack might occur. -Feeling self-conscious or believing others notice their anxiety. -Easily feeling fatigued. -Difficulty concentrating or experiencing a blank mind. -Muscle tension. -Sleep disturbances

Types of Anxiety 

At the Heart of Therapy, we are anxiety specialists. We have helped people with a number of anxiety-related symptoms that are often diagnosed as: Generalised anxiety disorder Panic disorder  Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) Social anxiety disorder  Agoraphobia Phobias

What are Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks can be scary! They are also very common in Australia where over a third of all people will experience at least one in their lifetime. ​They are often experienced as a sudden surge of intense anxiety and discomfort that peaks within minutes and is defined by several symptoms, including increased heart rate, trembling, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, tingling, nausea, feeling detached, and fear of losing control or of dying.​ They may occur frequently, sometimes for no apparent reason, and can take up to several hours or longer to recover emotionally and physically. They are often followed by fear and anxiety about another one occurring. Unfortunately, if left untreated, panic attacks may become more frequent and worsen in intensity. At the Heart of Therapy clinic, we are specialists in helping clients overcome this debilitating symptom.

What Causes Anxiety?

Anxiety can stem from a combination of various factors, including: -Unhelpful thinking patterns -Emotional overwhelm -A busy or stressful lifestyle -Suppressed grief -Neglecting basic needs such as rest, sleep, nutrition, and exercise -Exposure to trauma or extreme stress, such as abuse, neglect, loss of a loved one, accidents, bullying, or social rejection -Lack of a secure attachment with caregivers during childhood -Parenting styles characterized by overprotection, high expectations, or inconsistency. -Growing up in a stressful or hostile environment, including exposure to conflict, divorce, or domestic violence -Limited opportunities to learn emotional regulation skills during childhood. This includes the skill of noticing, naming and expressing feelings. -Underlying physical or mental health conditions -Genetic vulnerability -Neurobiological factors related to brain chemistry, structure, and function -Family history of anxiety, whether due to genetic predisposition or modelling of anxious behaviours - Pressures due to societal or cultural emphasis on success, performance, appearance, and social conformity. - Negative or inaccurate beliefs about mental health leaving you misinformed or feeling invalidated, ashamed or weak.

Resources on Anxiety

Please feel welcome to take a look at the following source list, which includes textbooks and articles containing some of the research and information underpinning evidence-based approaches to anxiety treatment. The compilation of this list is still in progress. Thank you for being patient with us as we complete this. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). ​ ​Holt, M. K., Finkelhor, D., & Kaufman Kantor, G. (2009). Multiple victimisation experiences of urban elementary school students: Associations with psychosocial functioning and academic performance. Child Abuse & Neglect, 33(9), 504-513. ​ Luby, J. L., Barch, D. M., Whalen, D., Tillman, R., & Belden, A. (2017). Association between early life adversity and risk for poor emotional and physical health in adulthood: A putative mechanism for HPA axis dysregulation. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 56(5), 369-378. ​ ​McLaughlin, K. A., & Lambert, H. K. (2017). Child trauma exposure and psychopathology: Mechanisms of risk and resilience. Current Opinion in Psychology, 14, 29-34. ​ van der Kolk, B. (2014). The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. New York, NY: Viking.

Resources on anxiety
what causes anxiety and panic attacks
What types of anxiety are there
What are panic attacks
What is anxiety
A beautiful potted plant providing providing a visual contrast to the feelings of anxiety and panic

"What if each time you experienced an emotion, you acknowledged it, accepted it, and became curious about its message for you? " 

~Vironica Tugaleva 

How can we help you with anxiety

We take the time to get to know you, your situation and your history to determine all the factors and issues (including subconscious ones) potentially driving your symptoms.  Our holistic, trauma-informed, deep-change approach enables us to work at the root of your symptoms to help you experience long-lasting changes.  


If you are ready to start your therapy journey with us, please feel welcome to use our online booking portal to choose a day and time that best suits you.



How We Can Help You With Anxiety

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