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New Clients

We are delighted to welcome you to The Heart of Therapy online clinic


A laptop on a bed with a cup of tea conveying  the use of the laptop for online therapy in a comfortable and calm setting
Online booking portal


Please use our 24-hour online booking portal to choose a time that best suits you to book an appointment. You can also use the "My Appointments" tab in the portal to conveniently manage payments and invoices and cancel and reschedule appointments.


Thank you for choosing us to support you on your well-being and personal growth journey. We are so glad you are here and look forward to working with you.



Or, if you are not ready to book your first therapy session, you are welcome to schedule a no-fee and no-obligation introductory chat to meet your therapist of choice and discuss any questions you have about starting therapy.  

Smiley woman with her dog laying on her bed attending an online therapy appointment

I would like to see a therapist online via telehealth. Where do I start?

1. Book an appointment - Once you’ve selected a therapist from the profiles in our drop-down menu, please use our online booking system to choose an appointment time that best suits you.  â€‹


2. You will then be emailed a link to an intake form that needs to be completed before your first appointment.  The form can be completed and submitted online without printing, scanning or emailing. If you haven't received the link, please let us know.​​  You will be asked to enter your credit card details when completing your intake form; however, payment is not necessary until the day of your booked appointment. Please click here for more information about why we ask for your credit card and the highly secure online platform we use to store your details. 


3. If you wish to claim Medicare rebates of $82.30 - $93.35,  you will need a Mental Health Care Plan. (MHCP) and a referral letter from a G.P.  Read about how to get a Mental Health Care Plan here​.  A section is provided on your intake form where you can upload your MHCP and referral letter once your GP has provided it.


5.  On the day of the appointment, you will be sent a Zoom link by email and SMS to the contact details you provided on your intake form.  This email will also include an invoice for payment due on the day of your appointment, which can be paid by direct debit or credit card.  If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, our cancellation policy applies to all bookings.


What can I expect from my first appointment?

The first therapy session is mostly about getting to know each other and laying the groundwork for your future sessions. It's okay to feel nervous or unsure, but know that we will guide you through the process in a non-judgemental, compassionate and understanding way. 


Your therapist will likely ask you some questions to better understand your current situation, including your reasons for seeking therapy, your personal history, and your goals and preferences for your sessions with us.  Your therapist will begin tailoring a therapy plan to your specific needs in collaboration with you.


​It is okay if you don't know the answer or choose not to answer any questions your therapist asks. Your therapist will be there to support you and address any questions, worries or concerns you have about the therapy process.

How can I get a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) and why do I need one?

When GPs refer you to The Heart of Therapy online clinic for mental health support, they prepare a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP), which is essential for you to access Medicare rebates for your sessions with us. This helps reduce the financial burden of seeking mental health treatment.  After paying the full fee for the appointment and submitting a claim to Medicare, Medicare will deposit  $85.20 - $93.35 into your nominated bank account for up to 10 sessions per year.


Obtaining a mental health care plan involves a few straightforward steps. 

  • Book an Appointment: Schedule an appointment with your GP. You can choose a GP you’re comfortable with or find a new one if needed.

  • Discuss your Reasons for wanting a MHCP: Discuss with your GP why you think seeing one of our therapists would be helpful for you.  For example, "I've been feeling really overwhelmed and anxious lately, and it's affecting my daily life.  I've read that getting therapy can be beneficial. Can we create a mental health care plan so I can access some sessions?"

  • Assessment: Your GP might ask you questions to better understand your challenges and assess your mental health to decide if a MHCP is suitable for you.

  • Care Plan Creation: If deemed suitable, your GP will create a mental health care plan, including a referral letter. 

  • Ensure the therapist is registered with Medicare and can provide services under the Medicare Better Access initiative. All our Mental Health Social Workers and psychologists at The Heart of Therapy clinic can provide Medicare rebates when you have been referred to our clinic by your GP on a valid Mental Health Care Plan. 

  • Upload your MHCP and GP referral: Upload the MHCP and referral letter through the "Upload GP referral/Mental Health Care Plan" tab at the top of this page to access Medicare rebates for up to 10 individual sessions per year.


Mental health care plans from your doctor can also assist coordination and collaboration between all your healthcare providers for your overall well-being when it is helpful.  Brief reports from your therapist to your referring doctor at various stages of therapy are a Medicare requirement. 

How do I submit the claim for my Medicare rebate?

A Medicare rebate of $85.20- $93.35 per session for up to 10 consultations per year is available when you have been referred to our clinic by your GP on a valid Mental Health Care Plan.


We are happy to assist you in submitting your claim to Medicare if you have provided us with:


- Your proof of payment by forwarding bank remittance/receipt to your therapist.  Without this, we won't know if payment has been made and if we need to submit your claim.


- Valid Medicare card details and a copy of a valid GP referral and Mental Health care plan.


Otherwise, after payment, you will receive a receipt, with which you can easily claim a Medicare rebate online, by mail, or in person at a Services Australia office.

When do I need to renew my Mental Health Care Plan?

Your mental health care plan can be renewed at the beginning of every year by discussing your need for further therapy with your GP. MHCP renewals can only be done by a GP.  If all 10 sessions have been used before your plan is due for renewal, or if your plan has expired without being renewed, any further appointments will be invoiced for the full fee, and the rebate will not apply.


 At The Heart of Therapy, we understand that many of our clients require more than 10 sessions per year to meet their therapy goals or manage their mental health. This understanding is reflected in our rates, which have been set to make ongoing therapy more feasible for you. 

Can I still see a therapist if I don't have a MHCP?

You are welcome to attend therapy at our clinic without a GP referral or Mental Health Care Plan however you will not be able to claim Medicare rebates on your sessions without them.

Psychologists, mental health social workers, and counsellors - what is the difference?

In Australia, psychologists, mental health social workers, and counsellors are all recognised professionals who work in the mental health field and provide support and therapy to individuals experiencing psychological difficulties. While their roles are similar, they also have differences.


Accredited mental health social workers (AMHSW) 


Similar to psychologists and gaining in popularity,  Accredited Mental Health Social Workers assess and treat a wide range of emotional difficulties, mental health issues and psychological disorders.  AMHSWs have gained specialist mental health experience and met the specific competency standards required to receive mental health accreditation through the AASW.  Their professional training tends to incorporate a holistic lens, and this is something our clients tell us they appreciate.


This accreditation qualifies them to provide psychological therapies under a Mental health care plan referral from a GP, under which Medicare rebates can be provided for up to 10 sessions/year. ​





Psychologists are trained to treat a wide range of emotional difficulties, mental health issues and psychological disorders.  They are trained to assess and diagnose various psychological disorders through clinical interviews, psychological testing, and behavioural assessments. They generally have more extensive training in assessment and research than other clinicians, however, this is not always the case. Psychologists are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and must adhere to strict professional standards.


While our psychologists at The Heart of Therapy believe some difficulties may be severe enough to warrant a diagnosis, our clients tell us they appreciate how we don't believe in over-pathologising. 





Counsellors provide counselling support and therapy services to address a wide range of personal and emotional issues and mental health challenges. Ideally, counsellors are members of professional bodies like the ACA or PACFA, which provide guidelines for ethical practice, training standards, and continuing education. Unlike psychologists and mental health social workers, registration with these associations is voluntary but beneficial for professional recognition and credibility. 



All our therapists at The Heart of Therapy Clinic have:


- At least six years of graduate and post-graduate university-level studies in counselling, psychology, and mental health social work

- Fully registered with relevant professional bodies and eligible to provide Medicare rebates on 10 sessions per year.   


If you feel that you are struggling with life's challenges and don't know where to begin, therapy with one of our team may be able to help.

​How are telehealth appointments paid for?

If you are a private paying client, payments for all appointments are due on the day of the appointment. We ask that payment be made either before the appointment session or upon completion of the appointment. An invoice will be sent to you on the morning of your appointment containing details for payment, including a link to pay via credit card or details for direct debit. You are also welcome to pay and manage your invoices and appointments online via our client portal.


​What should I do if I don't like my therapist?

Therapy is a collaborative process, and finding a therapist with whom you feel safe enough, understood, and supported is essential. If you don't feel this with your therapist, there are some options you can consider:


  1. Tell your therapist: If something about your therapist or their approach doesn't sit well with you, can you express your concerns directly to them? They may not know how you're feeling, and discussing it openly can lead to positive changes. Your therapist should always be understanding and compassionate in response.  A good therapist will want what is best for you and will appreciate and commend you for having the courage to raise it.

  2. Could you give it more time? Sometimes, building rapport and feeling comfortable with a new therapist takes a few sessions. If it doesn't improve, however, it is important to address it.

  3. Request a Change: If you've given it some time and it still doesn't feel right for you, we can help you find someone else on our team who might be a better fit for you or help you with a referral to a different clinic.

  4. Have you explored the Reason? Reflect on why you're not connecting with your therapist. Is it their communication style, personality, therapeutic approach, or something else?  Not every therapist is the right fit for every client, and that is just natural. Understanding the root of your discomfort can help you articulate your concerns more effectively and make informed, empowered decisions about finding a better fit.

  5. Could it be transference? Transference is a common psychological phenomenon that occurs when clients project feelings, attitudes, and unresolved conflicts from past relationships with significant people (such as parents or partners) onto their therapist. If your psychologist reminds you of someone who has hurt you, this can cause triggering feelings. Or, if you had a very critical parent, you might start feeling that your therapist is also critical, even if they are not.  This can happen because therapy often involves discussing deep and personal issues, which can stir up these old feelings. Recognising and working through transference can be a valuable part of therapy. At The Heart of Therapy, we are trained to address transference in a professional, non-judgemental and compassionate way and understand how to use whatever arises in the therapy process between you as a client and us as therapists to support your healing and growth journey. We are committed to seeking regular clinical supervision and consultation to maintain ethical and effective practice.

  6. Seek Support: If you're unsure about what to do or feel overwhelmed by the situation, consider reaching out to a trusted friend, family member, or another mental health professional for support and guidance. They can offer perspective and help you navigate your options.


If you have any questions or concerns related to this, please get in touch with us. We want to help you find a therapist who is the best fit for your needs and preferences. Your mental health and well-being are paramount.

How are my credit card details stored and why do I need to provide them to confirm a booking?

To confirm and secure your appointment at The Heart of Therapy clinic, we ask that you provide a valid credit card when you complete your intake form. This policy helps us manage our schedule efficiently and accommodate all clients in need of our services. Your credit card will only be billed to process payments for appointments, late cancellations, non-attendance fees, or other payments that you have approved.


Stripe is a highly secure online platform that we use to store your credit card details. It is PCI Level 1 certified, ensuring compliance with stringent security standards. Stripe uses advanced encryption, tokenisation, and secure HTTPS connections to protect sensitive data. It also offers fraud detection tools and supports strong authentication measures. Regular security audits further ensure Stripe meets industry standards and government regulations.  Not even we at The Heart of Therapy Clinic can access your details once they have been put into the Stripe system.


You may view Stripe’s Privacy Statements here:


It is your choice to store your credit card details with us, however, we will not be able to provide our services to you until these details are provided.


Thank you for understanding that we need this policy in place to keep our doors open and continue offering our low rates.

Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

All personal information we are required to keep on file for you is confidential and stored securely for the duration that we are legally required to. We take the confidentiality and security of your information seriously and will only share information as per our legal obligations in the following circumstances:

1. It is subpoenaed by a court.
2. Failure to disclose the information would place you or another person at serious and imminent risk.

3. You have abused a known minor.

4. You tell your therapist you plan to commit a crime in the future.

5. You access services funded by Medicare. We are obligated to provide brief reports to the referrer (e.g. your GP), including information about assessments and treatment progress.
5. Your prior approval has been obtained to:
a. provide a written report to another professional or agency—Eg, a GP or a lawyer.
b. discuss the material with another person, e.g. a parent or employer;
c. or if disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law.

2-business day cancellation policy



At The Heart of Therapy, we understand that life can be unpredictable and that appointments may need to be cancelled or rescheduled. To keep providing the best possible care to all our clients and our low rates to our community, we ask that you adhere to the following cancellation policy:


  1. Notice of Cancellation: Please provide at least two business days' notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. This allows us to offer the appointment slot to another client who may need our services.

  2. Late Cancellations and No-Shows: Appointments cancelled with less than two business days' notice and missed appointments without prior notice will incur a fee equivalent to the full cost of the appointment booked. We will send you a courtesy reminder before your appointment requesting confirmation of your attendance. Failing to confirm is not counted as an appointment cancellation, nor is you not receiving the reminder notice. Thank you for understanding that this fee is necessary to cover the time and resources reserved for your session that we could not provide for someone else and the time and effort invested by your therapist in preparation for your appointment.  Unfortunately, Medicare rebates are not applicable in these situations.

  3. Emergency Situations: Late cancellation fees will only be waived in exceptional circumstances. We understand that emergencies and unforeseen events happen. If you have a genuine emergency, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

  4. Contact Information: To cancel or reschedule an appointment, please text our office at 0481 352 579  or email us at


We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.



Outstanding and unpaid fees

At The Heart of Therapy, we are committed to providing you with the best possible care. To maintain our high standards and ensure the sustainability of our services, we have established the following policy regarding outstanding and unpaid fees. Please read this carefully to understand your financial responsibilities.


Payment is expected on the day of your scheduled appointment, either before or during your appointment, unless other arrangements have been made in advance. An invoice will be emailed to you on the morning of your appointment, which you can pay by direct debit or credit card via the link provided in the invoice. ​You are also welcome to pay for invoices via our online booking portal.


If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact us to discuss payment plan options. These plans require a signed agreement outlining the payment terms.


In cases of overdue accounts, services may be suspended until the balance is paid or a payment plan is established.  In some instances, we may require full payment when booking any further appointments. Accounts that remain unpaid will be referred to a collection agency. You will be notified before this action is taken.


Feedback and Complaints 

We value your input and believe your feedback is crucial in our continuous efforts to enhance our services. Please let us know if you think there is anything we should be doing better.  â€‹If you have feedback, suggestions or a complaint, please get in touch via our contact form.



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